Jamie Colston



Welcome to my practice, and growing community of practice.

We collaborate with individuals, organisations and communities to untangle complex issues using four main approaches:

1. *Somatic/Embodiment Practices:* Exploring the language of our bodies.

2. *Dialogue and Participatory Practices:* Engaging in the language of relationships.

3. *Systemic Constellations:* Understanding the subtle patterns within people and systems.

4. *Animate Life Practices:* Connecting with the language of the beyond-human world, enriching our understanding of life.

By integrating these methods, we sensitively & respectfully dissolve the boundaries between personal, work/organisational, and cultural/societal aspects.

Together, we create space for learning, enabling us to perceive ourselves, others, and the world in unexpected and transformative ways.

These fresh perspectives alleviate tension, pressure, and rigidity, fostering movement and growth. Let's navigate this journey together.


If you are new to this work, or new to me, one way of experiencing the kind of work I offer, often in relationship with other practitioners, is to join a workshop. These workshops cover systemic constellations, participatory conversations, ritual work (bringing deep care, attention and ceremony to something that we are experiencing) and creative practises.

Next in-person workshops

Upcoming online workshops