How do we fund radical work?

An invitation to contribute financially to life enhancing work

Over the last six months, I have been working with a number of people to build a framework for a modern day rite of passage.

This work emerged from my relationship with the young people in our lives, artists, my own experience with rituals and rites of passage, and working with what I consider to be the emergent phenomena of the future that exists in our lives, which speaks to what we need to attend to.

Through conversations, planning the delivery of this work and the changes that we have had to make along the way, we have learnt what matters most and what is the minimal that can be done to move things to the next stage.

One key element is the funding. Because this work takes time, Artists, designers and project folk need to be paid (I include myself in this), and travel and accommodation need to be booked.

This project is part of a larger initiative to deliver creative work that seeks to demonstrate the collaborative answers, and even better questions to some of our most pressing issues of these times.

As I host conversations with people of all different ages and backgrounds, there are patterns and themes emerging. This inquiry and planned action is needed, relevant and requires capital to continue.

Full information about this work and our plans is here

We invite you, through our Open Collective platform, to financially gift some of your resource to this work.

Open Collective is a legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups. It’s a fundraising + legal status + money management digital platform for community groups.

Lastly this singular post is one smaller step to be even clearer about financial needs. The work that has gone into getting here includes all the invisible work of the practice of empowering young people over a 15 year period. It is the training, learning and development of participatory practices, rites of passage, ritual work, and more. It is single parenting and the practice of making myself available, building community around us, and being an invitation to another kind of world is possible.

My hope is that you read this and take action like:

1) Financially contribute
2) Share with one friend who might be interested in contributing
3) Share with a friend or colleague who manages a fund
4) Comment below to share what you see in reading about this work.
5) Join us for a storytelling session about transitions in your life

Lastly I also want to shout out Dan Burgess and Evva Semenowicz who are offering similar work. Check them out. All work like this is Our work and we can support each other to make visible the financial necessity of supporting life and our young people.


Ideal client(s) come forth


A grief map